

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Ship, Kuala Lumpur

Finally have a chance to date my pretties out for a dinner to celebrate my belated birthday. Sadly other babies already back to their hometown for internship, and some were having final exams.  :(

This year this time left Caryn baby and Kah Yee piggy accompany to celebrate this sweetest candlelight dinner. Hehe. So we planned to have our dinner at The Ship, Kuala Lumpur.

Mom always tell me that " Eh, it's been a long time we didn't had our dinner over there ald." And my response was like," Huh? Since when we had our dinner there together mummy?".
Mum, " Didn't you remember you always have your fish and chips over there when you were small?"
Walaoo. How i remember lehhh mummy. Langsung no impression at all. lol

The Ship always remind us of our childhood. Bet you had the same conversation like me and my mom too? Hehe.

Yeapp. So let the pictures do the talking for the moment.

Rich and creamy texture of shark fin soup.
Shark fin soup 

Charboiled Sirloin Steak.

Braised Spring Chicken 童子鸡

Piggy Kah Yee with her 童子鸡

Baby Caryn and her Sexy Back haha!

This was our first meet up since sem break starts. Everyone is so busy and tired with their internship job. 
Finally we could find a time on public holiday to chill out together. 

Desserts time !

Yum yum!

#Selca 1

#OOTD hehe
Second round we went to newly opened Wings Cafe for keng gai session. Unlike previously we usually go for alcoholic drinks session, this time we drink milktea! hehe.

Me and piggy

Piggy and Baby Caryn

It's a fun and awesome night. Thank you for spending your few hours to have a sweet and warm dinner with me. Although it wasn't a drunk night like last year, but i'm still happy to have you girls in my life.

Thank you for making my life more meaningful dearies. Wo ai ni men o!

Other piggies listen here, i'm waiting you girls to come back and celebrate Baby Caryn birthday together o !hehe! :P


I will be putting braces on this coming friday! Ohmygawdddd. So nervous lah me ! I'm so afraid that i will look so ugly you know -,-

Please please don't leave me because i have braces okay readers :( Some of you might ask, why you wanna put on braces??????

Because I wanna smile confidently with my teeth. I don't nice looking teeth like others. That's why you will notice i don't usually smile with my teeth.


Let's wait and see! I will sure blog about my braces! Wakaka!

See ya!


  1. Replies
    1. I thought you were supposed to chia me instead? :P

  2. WONT looks ugly one.. LOL come join me XD
    You so pretty, scare what ah?? ish

    1. Haha! Just put on my braces and it is so painful T.T
      Now i'm in the same group with you babe! yeahh! xD
