

Friday, December 30, 2011


Ngek! Hi peeps !

Someone yesterday (okay, should be the day before yesterday) mentioned that she will update her blog by today but end up nothing. Haha. So soooooooowie ! *innocent face*

Mom woke me up at about 12pm. I can sleep till 4pm if she didn't woke me up, i wanna do a hair bow tutorial today one, but since mom woke me up and she said that my little bro achieved good result from his PMR, so as a reward, she wanted to buy him an Iphone 4S.


My dad and mom are really weird. They can spend money on anything, except HANDPONN ! Funny right -.- 

And so we went to Garden to purchase his iphone 4s ! *FULL OF JEALOUSY* !

Btw, i bought new beauty products again. This time is Dr.brandt. lol. I don't want to buy one actually, who ask the salesgirl so good in promoting and recommending. I wanna do sales too in future. Hahaha.

I thought it only takes about 1 hour to settle the iphone thing. End up waited there for 7 hours you know! 
His ipon reli babai lo -.- hmmmmm !

Due to this and that, that and this, itu ini, ini itu, i failed to blog bout my hair bow tutorial today. *I know i have many excuses zzz*

I'm so so sorry readers ! Forgib me puuuuuuhhhles !

# Trying to act like very innocent but failed ! T^T

So pictures below are the outcome : -

Just a simple and easy tiny litter hair bow to be styled, doesn't matter you have a long or short hair.

I'll do the tutorial ASAP okay? :)

Love ya ! <3

One more day to go ! =D

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