

Saturday, October 1, 2011

M Fest 马来西亚音乐节2011




M fest (马来西亚音乐节)就是能够让你美梦成真!

什么是M fest?

M fest,(Malaysia Music Festival) 也就是马来西亚音乐节,又一群热爱音乐热爱创作的马来西亚孩子构思而成. 他们是一群热衷于艺术表演的孩子,寻找着有才华创意的朋友们,藉此机会发挥他们的创意和才华!

What is M fest?

M-Fest or Malaysia Music Festival is created by a small group of Malaysians who are enthusiastic about performing arts and wanted to harness musical talents of youths in Malaysia. M-Fest is about talent, creativity & opportunity! 

M Fest的宗旨

- 让才华洋溢的马来西亚青年平台展现他们的才艺

- 激发青年用于面对问题和挑战

- 让青年们与本地艺人合作,使他们从艺人身上得到不一样启发

- 推动大马原创音乐与才华

Aim of M Fest

- Provide youths with a platform to nurture their talents

- Inspire youths to take a positive step to face various issues & challenges

- Provide role models (top Malaysian artistes) to our youths so that they can be inspired for greater success

- Help to promote local music industry/talents

为了发掘新血人才,M Fest实现你们的梦想,容许你与马来西亚顶尖艺人同台演出 !


你只需录制展现你才艺的短片(唱歌,跳舞,玩乐器过任何惊喜地才华),然后到M Fest网站了解规则,注册户口再上载短片




当然最重要的是,9名参赛者也会和选中自己成为合作伙伴的9名艺人朋友进行CROSS OVER演出,一起现场并肩秀实力!!

评审团包括 :


Clement 蕭啟賢(评审团成员)
Clement 蕭啟賢

Yuna, 品冠,张智成, Gin Lee 李幸倪,BUNKFACE,方炯鑌, 温力铭,东于哲还有还有曹格!
(Performing live with Gary Chaw, Yuna,Z Chen, Victor Wong , Ah Bin , Bunkface, Danny One, Thomas Jack , Gin Lee)







  1. 请有兴趣的参与者到主办者的网页注册了户口后,把自己的试镜影片或YouTube链接发送到自己的户口里。每位参赛者只允许提交一个短片。
  2. 前20名的试镜视频参与者会被主办当局邀请参与10月15日的现场试镜。其中通过网上投票来选出一位网上最杰出个人或组合将直接进入10月15日现场试镜。10月15日现场评审团将选择入围前8名的参赛者。所有前9名的参赛者将会参与12月3日大马音乐节的演出。
  3. 在12月3日大马音乐节的演出中,我们会通过短信投票的方式来让大众选出前3名的优胜者。其中最受欢迎的优胜者可赢取马币10,000的奖金,其他的优胜者也能赢取其他丰盛的奖励。
Audition :

1. Interested participants are invited to send in their audition videos or youtube link to the organizer at each participant is only allowed to submit an entry.

2. Top 20 audition videos shall be selected for a live audition on 15th October. All qualified participants will be contacted by the organizer. One of the top 9 finalists shall be chosen from the top 20 audition videos through an online voting. Panel of judges will select the other top 8 finalists to join the m-fest on 3rd December.

3. Top 3 most popular finalists at the m-fest shall be selected by the public through sms voting. Winners can look forward to some attractive prizes. Most popular finalist stands to win RM 10,000(ten thousand ringgit) in prizes. 

  1. 这项比赛公开给所有年龄30岁以下的大马公民参加。 16岁以下的参加者必须取得家长的同意,并必须在监护人陪同下才能参与大马音乐节的现场试镜或演出。 
  2. 所有试镜影片必须是通过真实的表演录制而非剪接合成。主办者有权要求参加者证明试镜影片的真实性。 
  3. 被入选参与10月15日的现场试镜与12月3日大马音乐节的演出的参加者必须致力于参加所有的演出。 
  4. 参加者必须准备自己的乐器。主办单位会提供必要的技术支持以确定现场试镜演出的成功。如有任何的特别需求,请提早与主办单位联络和恰谈。 
  5. 由主办单位或通过网上/短信投票作出的所有决定都是最终决定,并不接受任何的上诉。 
  6. 10月15日的现场试镜与12月3日大马音乐节入选的参赛者可能被要求参与主办单位安排的MFEST热身/宣传活动,并应该尽量配合参与这些活动。 
  7. 主办单位拥有MFEST进行期间所拍摄/录制的影片/光碟/照片的使用权益。

Rules and regulation :

1. The competition is open to all Malaysian citizens and international students or residents with legal visa who are below the age of 30 years old. Participants below the age of 16 must obtain parental consent and must be accompanied by a guardian if selected to enter the live audition or to perform at the M-Fest. 

2. All audition videos must be authentic, real and genuine. Participants must be able to prove authenticity if requested by the Organizer. 

3. Participants must be committed to attend the final live audition and M-Fest if selected by the Organizers. 

4. Participants should prepare their own musical instruments to be used at the live audition. Organizers shall provide the necessary technical support to facilitate the live audition and performance. Organizers shall liaise with the selected participants on the arrangements. 

5. All decisions made by the Organizers or through the online/SMS voting are final and cannot be contested by any parties. 

6. Selected participants may be required to participate in promotional activities arranged by the Organizers. 

7. Organizer holds full rights over all records, videos and pictures taken during the auditions and M-Fest. 

M FEST 大马音乐节试镜日期 (Audition date)
Video audition : 7th Oct 2011
Final audition : 22nd Oct 2011

M FEST大马音乐节
日期  :12月2日 (2nd of October 2011)
地点  :Stadium Badminton, Cheras
时间 :6pm

更多详情可到 M FEST官方网站了解详情-------->


Remember to like Malaysia Music Festival page ya ! :D


  1. very good and details write up.... =) both language somemore...haha salute =)

  2. YeongBoon - LMAO! Salute pula ! hehe. Thanks ya Yeong Boon ! :DD
