

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 1 in France

Hi everyone! It's my day one in France! 13 hours flight is killing me. So tired and torturing. 

Anyway, it definitely worth it as France is a beautiful and wonderful place! 

Since i'm updating my blog using my iphone, so pictures might not be as clear as my camera. So sorry about that.

This is my first visit to Europe , and my second time joining Youth Exchange prohramme. I remember the first time i joined this programme to Japan i was only 17. And now i am 21. I feel really old in the group, seriously.

#AirFrance for the first time!

I am so excited to join this programme but a little sad as i am going miss my bff 21st birthday celebration and also x'mas and new year countdown with my friends. Hmmmm.  Before that my host sister, Gabrielle has contacted me through facebook. She is a beautiful and friendly sister ! She can speak english very well, i mean when compared to other french.... Lol.

# me and my group leader busy selca-ing  in the washroom

So i arrived safely at about 6am in the morning and we were sent to a Biology Specialised School, which is also my host sister's school. It's so cold here. The temperature is about 0-5 degree celcius here
While waiting for her to pick me up, we were invited to join an English course. Lol. Throughout the introduction and sharing session was kinda awkward cus they really thought Malaysia was a place which is undevelop, and human with diseases lol. Anyway, i did explained and showed how wonderful is Malaysia. The class session was great and fun. Mrs. Suzanne Gibs is a very friendly and nice lecturer. How nice if Malaysia has such nice lecturer.

# Mrs. Suzanne Gibs has also invited us to join a tea time session with them next week. Wheee

This is my host sister Gabrielle. I was told that our home located in a small village but it takes about 30 minutes to the town , and 20 minutes from the town to Paris by train. Yay yay. Paris!

# look at the field! It's so beautiful! 😍

# This is the scene where i only thought it will only appear in the movie. Now look ! 

# it's winter but why it looks like summer lol

Perhaps u would like to check out my lovely room :P

# Look at this! The rooftop bedroom! Wtf. This is my first time seeing this. I thought it only exists in the movie lol

# Checkout the window here. It's the place where they use to view the stars on the bed. Awwww

# Me and the sis!  Pls ignore my face w/o make up 😒😒😒😒

# This is the lovely living room

This is the best scene in the house. 早晨起来看到这样的风景,真是幸福!

# the water are heated here and they love to talk and chat here cus it's warm and the scene here is beautiful!

And i found something awesome lol


# i don't know what is this called but i know i saw it most of the time in the American movie This is cool lol *okay i know im a little 三八*

Dinner time!

# Lentil as dinner. It pronounce like " lontee" lol. It's basically a type of beans cooked with sausage

# Youghurt ! French love to have fruits or youghurt after meals lol

Le Geurn family is really warm and friendly! Can't wait to go to Paris with la sista!

Till then ! 

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