

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hello Haru ! Hello Yohei !

Welcome Harutaka &Yohei to Malaysia !

This was the second meet up of me and Haru. As you know, three years ago I joined youth exchange programme homestay in Japan. So i actually get to know him in a Xmas party while im in Tokyo. I still remember that he don't speak and understand English, our conversation only consist words of " YES" & " NO". lol.  He was cute, that time lah. lol. Therefore many girls was trying to talk and get closer to him lol.
Anyway, we get to exchange email address and still keeping in touch in facebook till now. 

I'm so suprised and happy that he asked for a meet up in his trip to Kuala Lumpur. FYI, he stays only one night in KL -,-. I was like..why lah one day only. You are supposed to be here for at least 3 nights you know. There were so many places and food to explore in Malaysia !

Anyway, I would thanks my cute little piggies accompany me the whole afternoon to bring Haru jalan jalan in KL. :D

So Haru was little excited to meet us up so he can show us how fluently he can speak Mandarin. Haha. Nahh, just kidding. Haru went to Beijing few years ago to study Chinese. Now he can speak and write in Chinese. And I wonder why all my japanese friends manage to speak Mandarin, while we can't even speak a complete sentence of Japanese ! lol. Please lah Japanese stop going to China. I wanna learn Japanese from u guys ! Haha.

I'm amazed that Haru can now communicate in Mandarin with me. Looking back three years ago, he could not speak even a sentence of English, and now, proper Mandarin wor! lol. He even corrected me some of my pronunciation. lol. Friend, Malaysian style mahh. Can anottt. lol !

The-must-eat in Malaysia, DURIAN ! Unfortunately we did not manage to bring him for a real durian. I've bought a durian pancake and asked him to try whether he like it anot.

 Most of the time Japanese will say " Oh yes yes yes. I would like to try !"
And after I asked him to smell the durian pancake , he said " Oh no ! Kusai!"
But still he forced himself to put the "smelly" durian into his mouth.. and .... look at the pictures below .lol

Come on. Durian was the best fruit that i ever had in my life lah. I LOVE DURIAN !
But I totally understand how he feels towards durian, just like I cannot stand the unpleasant smell of natto. Ewww.

Picture taken in Sungei Wang.

Used to pass by this fountain everytime but this was the first picture of me, and Haru, taken infront of

My girls and Haru !
 I told Haru that there's a place i wanna bring him in Pavilion. The 山寨版 of Tokyo street. LOL.
He keep on repeating the same word , "su...goi !sugoi!sugoi!"
I think he must be proud of Japan, until like  a place Malaysia which tried to make a 山寨版 of Tokyo street. Haha.

#Take 1 ! (From left) Joyce, Me, Harutaka & Kah Yee

# Take 2 !

So this is my Caryn baby. See her happy face wth Haru !haha! :P
 Next stop : SNOWFLAKE
I know this is not a specialty of Malaysia. But at least this was the place where most of the Malaysians love to hang out right.
Ocha'ryo and Bestseller

He can't wait to try bestseller !
I guess Haru is addicted to Snowflake now. Guys normally do not have another compartment for desserts, so do Haru. However, bestseller is too refreshing and addicting. He falls for bestseller too now. Haha.

#cool cool Kah yee & Haru xD
 Night meet up Jocelyn baby at SS2! It's been a year since the last time i met her, where Hikaru came to Msia. lol. I miss her lah ! She always look cute and pretty all the time ! < 3 < 3
Btw, Jojo can speak fantastic Japanese fluently. So she's my translator for Yohei, and Haru was Yohei's translator for me. :P 

Drinking Barley ice !

# Jojo(left) and Haru : snap snap snap!
Did i mentioned that Haru brought a Japanese friend along? He is a true Japanese, in which he can only speak Japanese. Haha. His name is Yohei.
 I keep on teasing him as his name sounds like " YO ! HEY! ". Cho kawaii !

# Yohei having his very first Durian pancake. Haru left another half for him. See his torturing face. Does it taste that bad? >.<
 Dessert time again !

# Cute Yohei and JOJO :D

# Half Japanese and True Japanese xD

# Picure taken once a year with baby JOJO!

# < 3 < 3 <  3

# And finally me and both of them :)

# Jojo, Haru & me with the epic Japanese

# Jojo, Yohei & me
Had a great night and fun with them. We shared alot of stories and shared alot of Malaysia culture with them. I love talking and spending time with them. Never get bored or tired repeating the same stories everytime we meet up ! :D

Anyway, i hope the next meet up would be in Japan instead. Haha. I miss Japan lah ! There's many places that i wish to visit, especially Fukuoka and Hokkaido ! Hopefully i'm able to visit Hokkaido next year, using my own savings. I know i can do it ! haha!

Love u guys ! Miss you ! < 3

See you guys soon in Japan ! :DDDD

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