

Friday, May 19, 2017

Ranting part 1

Oh hi 👋🏼

Blog is dying and probably that's the reason why I'm here.
I'm am not here to share photos or products to gain followrs/viewers/ earn money or whatsoever.

I just want to rant about life, share about MY feelings like how I used to do.

Blog these days are all about advertising, getting fame, commercialised.. whatever. I'm just sick of that. Wonder if there are still people that just blog because they want a platform to share things that they love and record words in their mind?

I doubt so.

I remember myself started blogging through another blog space called 无名小站. And I realised I really love writing, though I don't like to read but I love to write. I know my writing skills are not good 但是华语还是ok的好不好. To express what's in  mind convert into words you thought so easy is it..but I know this is not writing, basically ranting to be accurate. Haha

Anyway. Queennie has now started working unlike 6 years ago still a student trying to earn easy money and gain followers through blogging. Trying to expand circles through blogging. Boost own confidence by writing some shitty post to myself and getting recognition from people. Man, that sounds kinda sad isnt it lol

Oh ya also to rant about my ex bf because he never gives a F about my blog, and I get really irritated about it.  Lol good old days

At this stage of life, man..growing up sucks seriously. Lol

I mean, I know I need to work I need money to live (of course  I love my job) but there are so many things to keep up at the same time. I felt like I'm running out of time.  5 more years to 30 and I don't know why do I set my goals so high and everything wish to be done before 30. Fml.

Don't tell me " Eh do planning lah, that's what your problem is, time management " . Md need you to tell me meh.. when you have to work more than 8 hours a day,  Want bikini body is it? Go gym. Want  to maintain a balance social life? Catch up with friends. Family time much needed? Spend more time at home. Need a short getaway? Go travelling .  Broke like shit? Stay at home. They are so many things to keep up and it's so tiring. And I can't lose any of them. 也许真的逼太多东西太紧了 , 会死掉 And all of this needs time and money okay.

没有赚钱就没有life, 有life就没有时间, 有时间就没有钱

All of my friends know I have a Auntie Dream.

Be a homemaker. Make breakfast for the family. Stay at home do some gardening.. Send kids to school. Teach them moral. Teach them to be kind.  Make sure they finish food that i cook. Spend time with the family.  Just being an ordinary Auntie.

有些人觉得我sot了 but I don't see that as a problem because I really appreciate what my mum has sacrificed for me. And this is my Auntie dream. To be like my mum.
She was also a successful lady in work but still she gave up everything she had and chose to give her 100% to us.  I just wanna be like her. PROVIDED I found a man like dad. Finding the right man is not easy yooooo. Otherwise... eat jagung loh everyday. 😂.

I always believe that everything happen for a reason. Just like now, me ranting about life,

其实自己还是知道工还是要做,要更上进努力不要颓废, so that's the reason why I am here. Just to rant about ir, release 一下.

OK 现在屁放完了 can continue to work now.

If you actually finished reading this stupid post...send me your instagram link, I will like all your photos. Hahahahah.

Till then 😘

1 comment:

  1. i actually finish reading many of your post pls like all my ins photos pls!


    till then
