

Friday, June 12, 2015

Pray hard.

Up late again. Nothing else to do so here I am.

This month gonna be really tough.

Was thinking so many stuffs lately. I feel really grateful to have a perfect family, awesome parents that love and care for me always.

The person that made half of my dream complete is having a hard time now...
Nothing much I can do but I really hope everything goes well..

Bypass is quite a common surgery now but for him it is not.

His heart was triggered 23 years ago (a month later when I was born) and I almost lost my dad.
It's really heartbreaking to see him taking selfies of his chest before his surgery.
Although he look very calm and ready on the surface but deep down I know that he is paranoid.

Picture that you will be hooked up with a breathing machine.. That long tube in your mouth...
Incision will be made in your chest and rib cage is spread apart...
Having cuts in your body....

No matter what heart surgery is still a big thing.

He is the BEST DAD I could ask for....

Brought me up to be whatever I wanted to be, spoiled me like a princess, and always gave the best to us.

I just pray that everything goes smoothly.....

Get well soon daddy.



  1. Sorry for what happen on your dad. Don't worry, everything is gonna be ok!!! Will pray hard for your dad. Cheer up!

  2. Sorry for what happen on your dad. Don't worry, everything is gonna be ok!!! Will pray hard for your Dad! Cheer up!

  3. Get well soon uncle! Stay strong!!!
