

Sunday, June 7, 2015

First blog post of the year_7th June 2015

Hello ! It's been quite a long while......  I know. lol

As you all know I just came back from US about a month ago and yes, I had lots of fun there. Definitely one of my best trip ever :) Well I don't think I'm gonna blog about my US trip cus it gonna take years for me to update about Just gonna briefly update my about life now.

I flew to US right after I completed my internship and now I'm back, gotta start looking for a job. 
I wish I could slack for 2 months more but time doesn't allow me to do so...Most of my course mates are either studying or working now. The more I stay at home, I feel more lazy...and useless. Well I did went for few interviews but still I have no idea on what I really want to do. I guess this is a stage where all people had to go through...

My current daily routine was to babysit my niece and hit the gym everyday...I couldn't think of doing anything better. Sick of hearing people saying me put on weight after my US trip -__- ....
I know I know. It's really annoying when people keep repeating the same thing..T_T I know it's almost impossible for me to look skinny...(though I still hope I could). So I decided to change my body goals this year. Instead of looking flat and skinny.. I wanted to look lean and fit instead...  A sexy curvy look. dayumm lol (fighting!) Sorry if I just offended you hehe

Last two days ago was my dad and my younger brother's birthday. This year is a little special becus I've moved to a new place and it's just right opposite of my cousin's house ! And so we went to celebrate their birthday together. It was really fun and had a nice catch up session with them. Yayy


With the cousie !

Of course not to forget catching up with my fav people ! :D Some actually forgot to take selfies together. Too busy talking...haha

It feels kinda doing all this again, I mean blogging about my life. Haha. Well I hope it's also a good thing to start blogging rather than just watching late night movies every day..Opps. 

Till then !

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME BACK!!! Lovin' the weather in KL leh? hahaha *sweat*
    anyway, i always wanted to visit US one day... one day i shall then! :)
