

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


再怎么拖,生日的照片还是得整理一下! 今年的生日还真是挺多惊喜,惊喜真是不断

等了好久的生日派对照片,到现在还是没拿到,真是大扣分!( ̄. ̄) 

就不提那个了,整理了照片,想好好感谢也好好分享下生日的惊喜 ( ̄ˇ ̄)

生日惊喜 (一)



那就随便咯。 你都开口这样说我这样穿太随便,不换怎么行 ╮(╯▽╰)╭

奇怪的老弟出门前还一直问我, " 你不怕你的朋友来我们家给你惊喜吗?你确定你要出去?“



到了那里,我要求坐面向着门,他,竟然,第一次,拒绝让我坐他隔壁 (⊙ˍ⊙) 那好吧,超无言的。

他也就这样让姐姐一个人去买咖啡,超不是他的作风,可是,我真的一点警觉心也没用 =__=




KNS!老娘没有化妆啊!!!! (┬_┬)  可恶!

不过真的有被感动到啦, 毕竟是在预测之外 ,讨厌~~~~ ╮(﹀_﹀)╭




好啦,是有感动到啦,那是因为真的觉得你很有心思,KAMSAHAEYO !





竟然在我唱着我最爱的歌时突然插曲! 那位猪捧着一小片蛋糕拿进来,说是跑到附近去找的蛋糕点买的,要给我临时的惊喜

哈哈哈  你们啊  惊喜真的够了  真的好像太多了

你看看,你看看,你看看我隔壁的傻婆 ╮(╯▽╰)╭




Btw,我进步啦!我越来越能吃辣了 哈哈哈哈哈





宝贝Kah Yee与我





感激不尽啊!! (≧▽≦) 真是爱惨你们了啦~~






哈哈 没想到生日过了4天,那位小孩,竟然买了星巴克圣诞系列水壶和星巴克卡给我

真的是感动到~~~~~~!! ╥﹏╥




( T________________T )

姐姐感动惨了啦,爱惨你了啦我的baby ! o(≧ω≦)o




虽然样子有点......( /__\).. 哈哈


爱惨你了啦!超感动的好不!!! ( ̄︶ ̄)

生日惊喜 (七)




孩子啊,你真想让老师落泪啊  (T____T)










谢谢你们,我爱你们哦!!!  (≧▽≦)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Shinjuku Japanese Restaurant Subang SS15

Wish to blog about my 21st birthday party but still waiting for my photos -,- I promise i will update my blog once i received the digital files!

Btw, last Sunday me and my family went to Shinjuku Izakaya Japanese Restaurant in SS15 to celebrate my birthday in advance. We use to have dinner together for each of our birthday. This year could not manage to celebrate on my actual day cus my little baby brother is having his SPM on Wednesday. Anyway, the last time i been to this restaurant was last year December ! And now it had been almost a year, time flies !!

I wish to blog about this Japanese Restaurant long long time ago but failed to do so. Now it's like finally i can blog and share about their awesome food. Teheeeee.

This restaurant locate right opposite of Wong Kok Char Chan Teng and Burger King in First Subang. My dad's friend recommended this place to us and i think it is really a great place to have nice and average price Japanese food somewhere nearby Puchong.

Baby bro stalking my instagram lol

Awww Cute little baby !
While waiting for food....

Snap snap

Uhm, i don't really eat raw food so Sashimi is definitely not my dish. lol Sorry that i couldn't make any comment about it. Haha. The Ikura taste like seaweed! but a little salty. It taste wonderful with combination of rice. My brother love it so so muchhh

The crispy guilty chicken skin and chicken mentai


I couldn't recall the name of this set but it taste tremendously awesome. lol I don't know but i really love the taste. Bro says it's a little salty but to me it is still acceptable. The taste is little like some sort of grilled sauce. You have to try it in pork. I think this set cost about RM35.

Grilled Chicken Teriyaki set RM28

Salmon Butteryaki set

Yum yum !

Mom ordered Sanma fish grilled and she loves it !

Hotate cheese yaki ! This is super duper awesome ! It comes two in a plate. This is my favourite one. Love it so so much. You have to try this out if you are a Hotate lover ! < 3

The food portion is kinda big and delicious as well ! The lunch set is pretty cheap but with only few selections, from RM19.80++ only. It is worth to try and the environment is chilling. Overall i think that the price are still consider affordable as they also provide a chill and relaxing atmosphere. The service is pretty good and it is not as worse as stated in the foursquare review. Yakitori selection might take a little longer time to be served. Anyway, good food is always worth waiting for.

Happy Birthday Queen Queen !

Sunday, November 3, 2013

With my girls < 3

It's time for me to blog about our day out after finals! Sorry for the late update as i was been busying with my birthday preparation. Anyway, it's our last paper throughout the degree year, there is no excuse for us to hang out after exam anymore :(  But still we can hangout anytime as we want la my dear hehehe

They are my babies. My precious sweetheart. I have been spending my uni life with them together. I always appreciate all the time that we have spent together. I always remember the way how you girls smile, how you girls tease me around, the sleepy faces in class, moody faces when period came, and that stupid face when you think i'm an idiot. Hahaha. I never thought that i would have a bunch of great and awesome buddies throughout my uni life. I'm really glad that God send me angels to watch over me, we are there for each other when we are sad, sharing happiness together when we are happy. They never ask me to act like an angel, but they become my angel. You know how much i love you girls. And i always do. :))))

It is not easy to find a bunch of girls that are good in dolling up themselves, yet they are smart and pretty, and they don't study all night. Haha. I love you all laaaaa. I really have no idea what will i turn into without you girls throughout these 4 years. :")

Okay laaa. Stop being emotional. Back to topic.

So last last last week we went to Pavilion for shopping and dinner together.

Caryn, Mixue, Kah Yee, Joyce

Baby caryn *pinch pinch*

As usual, we are stucked in H&M for hours again. Haha. Decided to grab ice cream while walking back to Pavilion. We were expecting the ice cream guy to prank us with the ice cream but he did not -.-'' Anyway we were having fun taking pictures around there hahahaha. Love the brightness


Me : Mummy is not giving any ice cream to naughty girl today!
Mixue : *puppy eyes*

Dinner in Morganfield, again. Haha. 

I would highly recommend The Carnivore, Ribs Sampler or Ocean Madness if you have 4-5 pax. This is my second time having this "heavyweight“  and i think the Ribs are superb awesome ! The presentation is so nice too. I just love it and my girls too.

Snap snap snap!

Second round, Tom, Dick and Harris ! The singer on that day was bad. -,- It kinda spoiled our mood actually. Luckily we did enjoyed ourselves. hehe

Top : H&M,Bershka
Bottom : Bershka
Heels : Stylenanda

Thanks for being there for me whenever i need a listener. I will always remember the joy and happiness we had together. We used to hang out in Old Town White Coffee during lunch time, and head to Mc Donald to have ice cream for dessert. Morning session in Antipodean for breakfast with you girls was the best breakfast ever. Skipping class after k session. Oh ya, Midvalley ! Where we use to hang out together after class, before class and during break time! I miss having Snowflakes with you girls now :"(

One of the most beautiful qualities in a true friendship, was to have you girls in my life. 

I love you girls :") Gonna give you girls a big BIG hug on Monday ! See you girls < 3 hehehe