

Monday, July 15, 2013

Beer Factory @ Setia Walk

Went to Beer Factory to accompany an emo bestie of mine. Yea, an emo

I think this is the first time i post about her in my blog. Anyway, is a SHE, not a HE. I have to clarify first kay. Hahahaha.

So last week we actually went to Beer Factory, Setia Walk to have a drink together. Simple because they are having promo , cheap beer, and yeah very near. Safe and short distance to fetch someone back, just in case.

As you can see from the picture above, RM35nett for one bucket of Tiger. Wait what? hahahah.

Well we actually went to drink quite often. We know each other since form 1, and since that time we are close bestie till now. She is definitely NOT a good drinker. I have to take care of her for every drinking session. lol  sad

Btw,this doesn't mean that imma a good drinker kay. I don't really drink one. Cus i don't like to drink, i just LOVE. lol lol lol lol

# Aman

# Apalah. Blurred pula.

# Cheers ! *wink*

We ordered an Aloha Pizza cus i love too drink and EAT at the same time. Not bad lahh.  Just nice for two to three person to finish it, with small appetite. Hahaha.

p/s : Purposely eat vege only in the afternoon as night already plan to drink with this stupid pig.

# Emo-wannabe-look. Failed.

# Yam ahhhhh.

Overall the environment is considered so so for that day. Not too noisy. But kinda crowded.

Service improved ABIT lahh.

ABIT only. Since the last incident, i don't really expect much from there. lol

Anyway i have made a short video. Right at the top of the post.

I think i found interesting in doing short vlog. This makes my blogpost more interesting too right? Yay yay. Heeeeee.


  1. your new bf ah? hahaha.... just kidding... so nice lor spend time with ur emo bestie... :P

    1. Ehem ehem ! I love leng zai very much one loh! Hahaha :P next time emo call me k haha
