

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Suki-Ya Japanese Buffet

Hi readers ! 

Decided to blog in english today ! Hehe. I personally prefer to blog in chinese, anyway there are also readers who cannot understand chinese. I understand. I will try my best okie? ;D

So here i am ! Had a wonderful crazy moment with crazy gang again yesterday night ! Haha. They are " awesome" ! They awesome i meant was.... HOW DO THEY FINISH 30 PLATES OF SLICED MEAT !
Wait, there are still other side cream..etc..

Anyway, there ain't normal human. So please don't compare yourself with them guys. lol.

We had our dinner Japanese buffet in Suki-ya at Paradigm Mall. This is my first time having Sukiyaki buffet in Malaysia. Sounds interesting. However the food were not bad overall. I cannot compare them with Japan one. But they serve fresh meat. Not bad right. 

They have three choices of meat : Chicken, Lamb and Beef. Too sad that they have no pork. ;(

After billing i only realised i had forgotten to take pictures of all food and surrounding atmosphere. Ish. Fail blogger betul ! >< So sorry readers ! But i think i will visit there again as the food are all not bad, and the price isn't pricey at all. Very reasonable.

# From left : Oliver, June

# Ah Wong, Ah Bao

Sukiyaki and Kimuchi soup base
Basically the atmosphere were quite noisy, crowded , limited space...  However the food are nice and fresh, clean environment, good service. Worth to try :)

The crazy kungfu gang. lol.

Group picture !

Hi! This is me ! lol. Why la you smoke smoke at this time..

Enjoying ice cream cone !

The very first picture of Ah Bao and Me :P

Group picture in front of the restaurant
You only have 2 hours to finish your dinner. It is less than RM50 person. Still consider reasonable right? :)

After first round, second round we decided to "visit" Kajang. Haha. Yeahh, they stay in Kajang. So we went to 21st century cafe in Kajang, which i've been told i can see nice view of twin tower. lol. Let's see huh.

I think this two guys were too excited ! lol ! Have you both taken your medicine today?

21st century cafe

We didn't had any snacks there, only drinks. This cafe located at the hill, Bukit Mewah. Well, i was quite excited to see the view of KL tower. Unfortunately, we fail to see KL tower yesterday night. lol. They told me that KL tower do not lights up yesterday. Okay, so coincident. Boh bian.

Tan Jin woman ! :D

Jumbo fresh watermelon juice for two person

Oliver and KC

Me and Wong sifu
That is what i normally do. lol.

Time for you to change a new profile picture !

Me, Jin, Oliver

Keep showing off their biceps hahaha

Speaking frankly, i will bring you to salon one day  ! CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP  OFF YOUR HAIR !Haha!

Enjoy my great night and all moments with them. We chat and share our stories each time. Our stories and conversation never end. Hope to have next gathering soon ! :D

Oh ya ! I wanna bring you guys to salon one day ! I don't care ! Cannot tahan their Kajang unique hairstyle ald. haha.

Next blog post : I'm gonna share about products i bought from StyleNanda ! Stay tuned ! I'm so excited to share about the products ! Love them mad ! Wheeee !

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