

Thursday, February 20, 2020

New Sportswear Apparel : Breathe.co_

Hey you! I've been MIA for a while. Wonder if anyone still follow my blogpost?


Few months ago i just launched my new active wear brand ----

Some of you that follow me on instagram may noticed that I've been posting many sports bra story, and running Breathe Project.

What is so special about

Well, as you know I am always into fitness , always like to challenge what my body is capable of. Plus I did ballet for more than 10 years, then marital arts and now, Yoga.

This is why I wanted to do is a sportswear brand, we have 2 main collections with designs that emphasize on simplicity and comfortability. Currently, we only have sports bra collection, and slowly, hopefully, we will launch more designs including leggings and menswear.

Besides that, I also run Breathe project as my passionate project. This project mainly promotes body image positivity, help you to make friends with your own body, get liberated with own skin, express comfortably. We collaborate with fitness classes focusing in body confidence, body awareness and body positivity though movements.

I've struggled a lot from body image dissatisfaction, always complaining how my weight, how i look , oh and how big my thigh is. Well, i wouldn't say I am not insecure with my body at all now. But i know when I start to make friends with my body, stop criticizing myself,  I started to appreciate wonders that my body can do.


This journey is not easy because as much as you tried to convince yourself and be confident, people still judge you. But hey, understanding and be honest with yourself definitely makes this journey a lot easier. Remember , you can't please everyone and we are born to be imperfect. Sometimes we just have to admit the fact that our body is not only for visual. We have to admit the fact that certain things are not under our control. I have big thighs since young, people teased me because i am a ballerina , I should have long legs, well yet I am also proud that they are strong and powerful. I have acne issues and I understand that it is part of hormone changes. When you start to listen and understand your body, you learn to appreciate them more and criticize less.

We catered programme with BODY CONFIDENCE with a mini sharing session, followed by BODY MOVEMENT, fitness workout (eg. yoga, muay thai etc) , and BODY APPRECIATION during cool down session.

and this is the message i want to get out there. 

Check them out now on Shopee, or follow us on Instagram @breathe.co_

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