

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

新冠肺炎 Work From Home +


很久没写部落其实真的很生疏  感觉中文退步很多

哈哈 Anyway我的部落浏览客都是英文读者多






还没封城 马来西亚人已经恐慌到不行

Aeon, Jaya Grocery, Village Grocer 统统扫货扫到空空 呵呵

明白大家担忧封城所以恐慌 可是还是希望大家可以淡定

毕竟少出去还是重点 多洗手 保持卫生 多喝水


由于我的工作涉及医疗  怎么说呢

不工作不行  工作的话又不对 毕竟我是销售组

没见客户 销售量总会受影响

所以我决定趁这时候多花点时间整理我的新产品 呵呵

如果你有留意我上一篇文章 就知道说我推出了自己的运动装品牌


其实已有六个月的事情了  还以为只要勤力点就能挣点外快

但发现我的时间管理不太好  加上我是不能multitask的人

所以这个法制令推出  对我工作不是完全不利的

今天抽空整理了网站  很兴奋要和大家分享

也此下了新货 很期待要和大家分享


真的有很勤劳的在PO贴ok 哈哈

这是Collection #1 新推出的颜色

名字为 " B O L D"


“ Journey towards Honesty"

每个颜色都会以对自己诚实的 个性 感觉 为主

比如说  BOLD代表了 勇敢


HAPPINESS 是在对自己诚实的旅程里要找的就是 快乐

这些名字对我来说很有意义  希望取这名字能在穿上我家的品牌

会让你对自己诚实  寻找快乐

穿上CONFIDENCE作 就是对自己自信, 或是希望自己有自信点


还有很多颜色还没来得及拍  买了三角架要做拍摄

到时可以自己当模特 和你们分享


喜欢我的品牌意义  或是想要多了解一点

可以在 SHOPEE 找到,或是在那里直接私讯我



好啦  希望下次更新文章时新产品上市了 

晚安各位  (  ^  ____  ^  )

Thursday, February 20, 2020

New Sportswear Apparel : Breathe.co_

Hey you! I've been MIA for a while. Wonder if anyone still follow my blogpost?


Few months ago i just launched my new active wear brand ----

Some of you that follow me on instagram may noticed that I've been posting many sports bra story, and running Breathe Project.

What is so special about

Well, as you know I am always into fitness , always like to challenge what my body is capable of. Plus I did ballet for more than 10 years, then marital arts and now, Yoga.

This is why I wanted to do is a sportswear brand, we have 2 main collections with designs that emphasize on simplicity and comfortability. Currently, we only have sports bra collection, and slowly, hopefully, we will launch more designs including leggings and menswear.

Besides that, I also run Breathe project as my passionate project. This project mainly promotes body image positivity, help you to make friends with your own body, get liberated with own skin, express comfortably. We collaborate with fitness classes focusing in body confidence, body awareness and body positivity though movements.

I've struggled a lot from body image dissatisfaction, always complaining how my weight, how i look , oh and how big my thigh is. Well, i wouldn't say I am not insecure with my body at all now. But i know when I start to make friends with my body, stop criticizing myself,  I started to appreciate wonders that my body can do.


This journey is not easy because as much as you tried to convince yourself and be confident, people still judge you. But hey, understanding and be honest with yourself definitely makes this journey a lot easier. Remember , you can't please everyone and we are born to be imperfect. Sometimes we just have to admit the fact that our body is not only for visual. We have to admit the fact that certain things are not under our control. I have big thighs since young, people teased me because i am a ballerina , I should have long legs, well yet I am also proud that they are strong and powerful. I have acne issues and I understand that it is part of hormone changes. When you start to listen and understand your body, you learn to appreciate them more and criticize less.

We catered programme with BODY CONFIDENCE with a mini sharing session, followed by BODY MOVEMENT, fitness workout (eg. yoga, muay thai etc) , and BODY APPRECIATION during cool down session.

and this is the message i want to get out there. 

Check them out now on Shopee, or follow us on Instagram @breathe.co_

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Perception of Happiness.

Perception of Happiness.

I was having this conversation with few friends lately and I noticed different people with similar background can have different perception to it.
A wealthy person could perceive more wealth as happiness and a poor person could perceive the same too. Then I also noticed an average living person could perceive opposite as happiness, which is simplicity.

People with same background can have similar perception or totally opposite perception to it.

Wealth, Love, Health? Actually it doesn’t even matter if you embrace it and live with it.

It can be something simple or something we been neglecting. Some people perceive happiness with 3000 likes on social media, some people perceive happiness with cheap beer with good music, some people see good health as happiness.

I think happiness cannot be measured and it’s a feeling comes from heart. Everyone perceive it differently. It is something that you need to be honest with yourself about what you want in life. Only you yourself know what makes you truly happy. The world we living is getting toxic that we tend to forget simple happiness in life. It could be just riding bicycle with loved ones, shower with hot water,  drinking favourite wine, listening to favourite music or having dinner with loved ones. We need to start learning appreciate moments like this.

I guess this also relates to not taking things for granted.

Even breathing now is something we should relate to happiness. Some people barely able to breathe by themselves, they need specific medications or device to assist them in breathing.

I also know people that live in people’s judgement, trying to impress ones or prove themselves, relying happiness from them.

Happiness is something that comes from your own heart, your true self. I was once mistakenly thought that being skinny is my ideal of happiness. Able to eat and drink without getting fat. Having long legs wearing white skinny jeans is my ideal kind of happiness.Screw being healthy or what, i just want to be skinny. Skinny equals to happiness.
However once I got to my ideal weight, I was not happy. Why? Because they are people that think i need to lose more weight. Then some people started to judge my legs not being skinny enough. I dropped till my ideal weight but then I realised they are part of me that still doesnt satisfy myself.
Wow. It is one endless journey. Feeding fake happiness to myself. It is all about my Self Esteem. I was not happy about my body because of judgement, because I dont love my body.
Today I can be happy cause someone praised me, tomorrow I get upset because I don't hear want I want to hear.

It is sick isn't it?

What is happiness to me? To be my true self is happiness. I don't want to live in people's judgement forever. fuck that shit. Life is so short to live form them. I wanna live for myself. I wanna live happily.

Therefore the perception to this is extremely important. What makes you happy? and Why?
Think. It does need to be processed.

If you're given 2000 dollars, what would you do with it?

They are girls that I know would spent all 2000 dollars in the club, open tubs of champagne, party all night, that makes them happy.

I know people that would save half of them in bank, and spent half of it travelling.

Some would even donate that 2000 dollars to people in need.

You see, the perception to it is different. It is not wrong to spend all in the club, one would do that because that makes them happy. If I spent 2000 dollars in the club, I would go home hating myself for spending that amount of money, cause that is not my perception of happiness.

I understand that this society is toxic. People are living under pressure. Peer pressure, work pressure, family pressure..etc. That makes people think differently, see things differently. So we can't tell one that ' hey that is not happiness', " happiness should be simple not about someone else:. NO. That is not up to us to tell one based on your own experience. Everyone experience things differently. As long as one is not harming another. I think it's fine.

Embracing yourself is the only way to find happiness.

To me, love is happiness. Self love, family love, friendship love. Anything related to love.
Material is the last thing I need on earth. I have experienced the most wonderful love from my family & I know how powerful is that.

Would you rather date a guy with ferrari but has no time for you, OR date a guy that has no car but he is always there for you?

You know what you want. If material is your love language, then embrace it. You will the find one that speak the same love language like you, live happily ever after. But if you live in denial, trying to fake it like material is not your thing. Trust me. Those feelings inside will accumulate like a snowball.. and boom one day you will hate yourself for not being honest to yourself. Problems will come.

Just embrace it. But be real to yourself.
Is this really what you want?
Does that make yourself happy?

You know the answer.
