

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Veet's Pampering Beauty Experience




再漂亮再好看,形象都毁了吧 -,-'''




在什么情况都好,千千万万不要使用剃毛方式来除毛啊女人。 剃毛不但会让生出来的毛发又粗又浓密,而且在进行剃毛的过程中,也有可能造成皮肤表层损伤


很懊恼吗?不要担心,用VEET不就好了嘛! :D



上个星期托朋友的福,参加了VEET脱毛产品的分享会,邀约了Baby Carina一块去 :)

她就是Carina :) "背后的秘密"

Blogger Ben Dan & Carina 

Another sweet blogger but i couldn't remember her name ><  Start with a letter J i guess? hehe.





最棒的是,在3分钟内就能和毛发说掰掰啦! =D

贴心的VEET赞助商,给部落格们进行手部按摩后,再让部落客们尝试不同VEET的脱毛产品,其中包括 :-

- Hair Removal Cream 
- Hair Removal Shower Cream
- Hair Removal Gel Cream
- Easy Grip ready-to-use wax strips

很明显地我在很专注地听按摩员解释咯 lol

Blogger Iris在帮VEET打广告 :D

Ouchh !!


这是小支的VEET Hair Removal Cream包装

Charmaine trying hair removing wax strips

Carina在尝试shower cream的效果 :)

有了Veet,脱毛变得轻而易举。Veet脱毛膏Hair Removal Cream有效去除短至2毫米的体毛,让肌肤维持柔滑滋润。Veet®脱毛蜡纸Wax Strips能温和的将毛发连根去除,肌肤丝滑长达4星期之久。


1.      1均匀涂抹脱毛膏,并让产品停留肌肤3分钟
2.      2。用附设的抹刀清除肌肤上的脱毛膏。
3.    3。  清水洗净即可

Veet®EasyGripä Wax Strips脱毛蜡纸迅速简易脱毛
1.      双手搓热脱毛蜡纸。
2.      紧抓EasyGripä标签将脱毛蜡纸撕开两半。
3.      紧密贴上脱毛蜡纸于脚上,将印有EasyGripä标签贴置下方。
4.      逆着毛发生长的方向,迅速撕开脱毛蜡纸。
5.       使用脱毛蜡纸除毛后,用Perfect Finish纸巾擦拭蜡渍。


VEET正在寻找一位拥有非凡自信的大马女性,并且能够在这原创有趣的Veet It Off竞赛活动,以最具创意的方式改装身上的衣物以便勇于秀出柔滑肌肤以及个人魅力特点。


-只需透过Veet面子书专页 就能够参加了!
-点击并“Like” Veet面子书专页






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赶快发挥你们的想象力!改装身上的衣物然后上载照片(改装前与改装后)至 吧! :D

我与Charmaine :)


Iris, me, Carina
Coordinate of the day :-


Top : Bysi
Bottom : Bershka flora 

Hope you did enjoy reading my post today ! :D

Thank you !

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Second hand clothes (2)

Hey peeps ! Second hand / pre-loved clothes for today's post ! 

(1) Nicole jeans

Size : S
Price : RM25

(2) ELLE top

Size : S
Price :  2 for RM15

(3) Nicole Top

Size : S
Price : RM20

(4) Nicole outer

Price : RM15

Items above were not own by me. It's by a friend of mine. If you're interested in items below, you may just pm me directly. And i will direct you to her :)
Not many items this time but will post it up once I completely clear up my wardrobe. :D

Uni life just resume for 2 weeks and exam is around the corner again. Sien. Why lahh exam exam exam and exam. My life never ended with exam thingy. Piano exam. Ballet exam. Schools exam. -,-
How many exams have i taken? Hmm. 200? Or more than that? Haha.

Will be blogging very frequently this time. hehe. A friend of mine from Japan will be visiting me again.Wohoo! Can't wait for the next gathering ! I remember i only met him once, we exchange email address in the X'mas party, and now we're still keeping in touch !I think it's been 3 years time till now.Awwww. He told me that he went Chine for studies last year. Please please please don't tell me he turned into another "China man" again please. lol. 

Monday !! 4 more days to go!! zomgggggggg

Jiayou jiayou Queennie Wei ! I know i can do it ! :D

Monday, September 10, 2012



感觉上我也好一阵子没有用中文更新部落了 : / 


不知不觉,上一次的考试也已经是一年前的事了。我很害怕我还没准备好,无论是心理上还是肢体上,我不想再次面对失败的堕落感。真希望考官能大人大量,看见我的诚意,放我一马吧 -,-


有兴趣的话可以直接pm我的facebook -------->


没问题!我教你!让你轻松在6个月后收入高达RM5500! 要买PRADA, CHANEL绝对不是问题啦! :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

STYLENANDA - Products Review

Hi everyone ! Today I would like to share items I bought from StyleNanda online. 

I had been subscribing their updates and checking out their products for a long time. Unfortunately I have no enough money to purchase their products.Well. I should say, their products were not expensive, even though some were expensive, but their products are certainly good in quality. Anyway, the expensive part was the shipping fees. It costs me $20USD to purchase 3 products this time. 

StyleNanda, have you heard of it? It was a online Korean webshop, selling fashion brand stuff which are all originally from Korea. Their items were so nice and stylish. Especially their heels < 3

Sora, one of the Stylenanda models, was one of my favourite model, aka my 女神 ! She's so pretty ! Love the way how she dress up herself, her style, how she carry herself. Natural beauty <3 font="font" lurvesss="lurvesss">

Alright ! Let me show you the products i bought from Stylenanda. I only  ordered cosmetics products this time. Heeeee. 

Brand of cosmetic products - 3 CONCEPT EYES , owned by Stylenanda


- This face oil was specially made to produce a healthy and glossy skin 
- Apply it before foundation or base
- It provides high moisture to your face by providing a protective layer, thereby reduces the flakiness of skin
- 100% natural 

A thin cardboard paper was placed in between the bottle and the box so to avoid damage of bottle.

This is very suitable for mm which suffers from dry skin and flakiness of skin. It gives you a high moisture and glowing effect to your skin at the same time, resulting a healthy skin .

The hand of left shows BEFORE, and hand of right shows AFTER, applying enrichment face oil
- The great thing was, it was NOT OILY at all ! At first, i thought the oil would give a very oily texture, but, it does not ! The time when you pour out the face oil, you apply it directly to your face, you will notice the oil gradually turn into a wax form and absorbed directly into the face. 


- Glossy effects !


- Blend easily
- Natural colour, produce a flawless skin
- Moisture base, gives a glossy feel 

 - They have few type of colour : Natural Ivory, Soft Beige, Milk Ivory and Nude Beige

-  - However, this foundation is not suitable to conceal blemishes. You may apply a darker base before you apply this foundation. 

-  I've applied the foundation after face oil treatment. Giving a double glossing effect. Woots !

Before applying Foundation (left), After applying foundation (right)
- According to the picture above, it is obvious that the hand on left looks fade whereby the hand on right looks more glossy and waterful.

-  If  you are a fan of KPOP, you may noticed that all of the singers has GLOSSY face. Flawless. Natural. 

-  And for your information, we don't call it as "oily", we call it HEALTHY.


-  This is definitely 3 concept. Why?
     1. Lip pigment colour mixtures
     2. Lip pigment + Foundation = Liquid Blusher
     3. Lip pigment  + shadow powder = Eye shadow / liquid liner

Electro Pink 
- They have many series of lip pigment colour. All of them were so nice ! I wish i could get them all ! T.T

Step 1 -  Conceal your lip with lip concealer
Step 2 -  Apply lip pigment using lip brush

-  The texture is creamy, striking colour, easily blend .


Add lip pigment with some shadow powder, you may use it as a liner


 To use it as a liquid blusher : 

Glossy foundation ( or any of your foundation) + lip pigment

Blend it together 
Besides, they are also giving a mini nail polish from 3 concept eyes as a thanks-gift to customers for purchasing their products! Awwww.  :-**

Their products are really good in quality and 100% origin. I love their concept so so much. They always give customers best quality and style.

Anyway, these 3 three products cost me about $94USD. I received it 6 days after I made my payment. Efficient right? Wheeeeeeeeeeee.

You may checkout their website ------>

They also have nice clothes and dresses ! Will share their fashion clothes with you girls too, if i manage to made another purchase again. IF lahh. Hahahaha :P 

Hope you like my sharing.

Oh ya, FYI ! I've cut my LONG HAIR T.T

Nice or not? Haha. I've dye my hair again. Cannot tahan, i miss this colour. Hehe !

Done it at Shunji Matsuo New Generation Salon. May check it out their facebook page if your like ! 

Hope you like my products review today ! :D 

Holidays end in one day -,- See you guys soon ! ;D

You may also like my #ICE CREAM KIT review from 3 Concept eyes :-